Social Dance Studio Portland Oregon
Weddings Dances with Flair!
Ballroom, Latin & Swing
ancing for Life

Finding ways to feed your soul and nourish your body allows good and positive energy to flow. Our world needs uplifting and we can do this by dancing every day. Let's move and love being in our bodies and send great energy into the world!
Solo Movement Classes are up and running. We are social distancing and having fun exploring all styles of dance. Come learn Charleston, Latin, Country and Swing moves in a line dance format. Great for your brain and your body! My group classes are held at Uptown Dance Studio. Register for each class at
For those of you who are not ready to venture out, check out the videos at home link!
I am grateful for the time to reflect and create. I am so profoundly thankful to all of you
for being a part of my life.